Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Countdown: 26 days till...

Read: Hebrews 12:12-13

Prayer: Father, today help me to see the good in everything and everybody.  Give me the boldness to be a light of encouragement for someone who needs it.

Act: Smile at someone; write a note of encouragement to someone; tell someone thank you.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Countdown: 27 Days Till...

Read: Matthew 23:11-12

Prayer: Lord, help me to have a servant's heart.  Help me to not only see a need but have the strength to meet it as well.

Act: Clean off your lunch table; clean one of your classrooms after class; do a random chore around your house.

Serving is the best way to put others needs ahead of your own.  How will you become second today?