Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wednesday REwind 08/01

Wednesday night was week 2 of The Hunger Games.  Loving this series and breaking down Matthew 5.

Had the largest crowd of the Summer.  Can not wait for school to start back and watch the momentum continue to build.

The Summer Photo Booth was fun.  The students had a blast taking pictures and goofing off with it.

Ran into a snag with Taco Bell last night but once the tacos got there everyone enjoyed them.

Felt a stirring during the altar call last night.  Really believe there is about to be a spiritual shift in our ministry.

Already have two devos to post this week from students.  Love that!

During the Hunger Games the students are earning credit for their Districts by bringing their Bibles and memorizing Scripture.  Praying this becomes a habit in their lives.

Will have the notes up from week 1 and week 2 of this series soon.

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