Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Real Life Day 3

This is one of the best missions trips that I have ever been a part of. The cool thing is that we have not presented the gospel in the traditional way that you would think about with a missions trip. Yet we have felt the love and presence of God in everything that we have done. We felt it in laying sod and playing on a slip n slide, laughing with kids and making friends. Instead of preaching about the Gospel we have been striving to live the Gospel out. Everyone got up moving very slowly. Sore and tired from the day before. Breakfast and load up time was an hour earlier than the day before. We got to Real Life and had an awesome pray time. There was such a sweet peace as we prayed for Real Life and for each other. After our prayer time we went straight to work. We pulled up more carpet, laid 9 pallets of sod, and repaired a fence. It was a little warmer today and several of the student's faces are red this evening. We quit working around 3pm and set up the slip n slide. It was awesome watching our students go down it with the kids, everyone was laughing and having a blast. For a moment our students forgot how tired they were and the kids from Real Life forgot their pain. The afternoon continued with popsicles, duck duck goose, and a lot of goofing off. We left Real Life shortly after dinner and headed to Dairy Queen for a victory ice cream. It was good to sit back and relax for a moment and take it the day. Tomorrow will be another busy day. We get to have a service with everyone. Looking forward to what the rest of the week holds.

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