Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wednesday REwind 07/18

Last night did not go as planned.  We were suppose to do our Water Wars but the weather did not cooperate with us.

So grateful for Bobby, Devin, and Michael for filling up over 1,000 water balloons that could not be used and not whining about it.

We played the infamous "do you love your neighbor" game.  It is alway intense and always fun.  It is a good group bonding game with a lot of laughs and memories.

You know it is a good night when more and more students join in on the game as the night goes on instead of backing off and talking with their friends.

The end of the night was spend with a challenge that though Summer is not over, it is time to go back to work.

Got a lot of cool things planned over the next few weeks.

I believe Thrive is about to step into a new season.  A season of growth, both spiritually and numerically.

Thrive students are truly some of the most awesome anywhere in the world.

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