Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Real Life: Final Thoughts

This was one of the best state-side missions trips that I have ever been a part of.

The team worked so hard on so many projects.  The badge of honor for the week was to see who could get their shirts the dirtiest.

Being at Real Life Children's Ranch was a divine appointment.  We really believe that we will have a relationship with them for many years to come.

Connecting with the kids at the ranch was the highlight of the trip.  What God is stirring in us and preparing Thrive for is awesome.  The Gospel is shared not only through words but action as well.

Memories that were made of this trip will last a lifetime.  We went down to minister to kids and got ministered to ourselves in return.

We saw last week that everyone, no matter who you are, has the potential to bring hope.

We have to love the people in our world on a daily basis like we loved last week.  If we can do that, we can change our world.

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